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Products We Love: Chibitronics

Want to get your child into programming, but think they might be too young or not interested? Then, Chibitronics might have just the right stuff!

Chibitronics is an education technology company that makes LED stickers, conductive tape, light sensors, and more. Additionally, they offer a ton of great resources that walk students through how to build a circuit and how to code. I’ve used them in my classroom before and students love how easy to use and flexible these stickers are.

An LED sticker from Chibitronics

Like a typical LED, there is an anode and a cathode. I love the design because of how it recalls the circuit diagram symbol for an LED. Because these LEDs are stickers, they can live pretty much anywhere. My favorite place to have students work with them is on a sheet of paper because it opens up a canvas for them to be playful with. The conductive tape acts as a wire that connects the LEDs and voltage sources together. Because LEDs require a relatively low voltage source to illuminate, students can use merely a coin battery to power them.

Learning circuits can be frustrating for students because of how many little things can go wrong while building a circuit. If one wire slips out of your breadboard while you’re working on another part of the circuit or you don’t add enough resistance to your circuit, the whole thing can be ruined even if you created a well constructed circuit. Because of the simplicity of Chibitronics’ LED stickers and conductive tape, mishaps become obvious more quickly and students can have more fun.

I am a huge advocate for using Chibitronics in classrooms and will definitely be using them in our future workshops. If you are interested in a workshop about Chibitronics, let us know! Use the form below to send us some feedback. If you would like to purchase anything mentioned in this blog, you can find it all at!

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